These ten photovoltaic netzero energy supply/demand houses are currently under construction in Traverse City, Michigan.
The project is a 186 acre parcel planned by the firm for development where 98 acres were put into permanent conservation areas and the remainder planned for 12 lots with limited areas for construction of private homes. The developer sold all the lots in the first year, needed to provide only minimal development infrastructure, received tax reductions against capital gains for conservation easments/donation... and preserved natural and irreplaceable farmland.
Currently serving as the architectural committee for the developer/designer, David Prevo. We review submitted plans by owners and their architects for covenant restrictions of the development, approximately 50 paradise homesites on St. John, US Virgin Islands.
Served (3) years on Suttons Bay Village Planning commission and (5) years on Leelanau County Planning commission
Designed Natural Amphitheater for Native American Pow Wow Grounds and Initial construction of Pow Wow Facility Center.